Monday, April 30, 2007

From Cranium on the Airplane

1. It takes 850 peanuts to make an 18 oz jar of peanut butter. About half of the US peanut crop goes towards peanut butter.

2. The wingspan of the 747 is longer than the flight of the Wright brother's first flight. 200 something to 120 feet.

3. Bob Dylan was born as Robert Zimmerman. (<-- OK, I knew this a long time ago)

4. Electric cars were manufactured in the US in the 19th century up until around 1930.

5. A geegaw, or gewgaw, is a showy trinket. (<-- Had to look this up, but the word was used in flight)

6. Much like everything else, toilet paper was first produced in China. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it could have been 3 x 7 ft for the emperor.

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