Thursday, July 26, 2007

clickers (as a noun)

thursday, 26 july, 2007 17:50 MAT

according to the associate dean of learning & teaching in our faculty at central queensland university, we are no longer allowed to use clickers when we teach. she notified the staff of this decision in an email to which some lecturers (myself included) had to ask "what is a clicker ?" and "could i be using a clicker when i teach and not know it ?"

Clickers allow instructors to ask questions and gather students' responses during a lecture. (Clicker systems are also commonly called Classroom Response Systems, Student Response Systems, or Audience Response Systems.)

In clicker systems, each student uses a device (a "clicker") that looks like a TV remote to answer questions posed by the instructor in a specially-designed PowerPoint presentation. Summaries of student responses can be shown in real time to both instructors and students. Answers are also stored electronically for later viewing.


anyways, i know what a clicker is now. everything is ok for me. i don't use the clickers when i teach. clickers do sound like a fun way to teach and encourage student interaction if used appropriately.

has anyone else ever used a clicker ?

,` )

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