Friday, June 1, 2007


The concept certainly isn't new, but in the off-chance that you're looking to procrastinate, let me introduce the Googlewhack.

A Googlewhack is a search query of two words in Google that results in exactly one hit. As taken from the Googlewhack website, here are the rules.
  1. Both words must exist in Google's idea of a dictionary, which is apparently
  2. The results bar up top must say "Results 1 - 1 of 1" to let you know there's really only one hit.
  3. Can't be a wordlist or bibliography or something like that. Check the text for the context of the words.
  4. Other details: no quotation marks around the words, no punctuation, no numbers, words have 4-30 letters only.
If you find one, feel free to submit it to The Whack Stack.

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